Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the ScienceArt paintings by Julie Askew

Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the scienceArt by Julie Askew.

Highlighting the conservation issues of today by exploring natural links and how the modern day issues like global warming, human encroachment and poaching affect the wider ecology and ultimately ourselves

Oman 2018

Oman 2018

Expedition - Staying in the wilds with the Bedouins exploring their links with native wildlife - most is endangered.
Then hosting an art/nature workshop on top of the countries highest mountain - Jabel Shams.
Exhibitions are planned in Oman and the UK.
A Video of the project including the lifeline paintings back in the studio, will be free to view on the Lifeline Earth Paintings U-Tube channel.

Let the adventure begin !