Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the ScienceArt paintings by Julie Askew

Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the scienceArt by Julie Askew.

Highlighting the conservation issues of today by exploring natural links and how the modern day issues like global warming, human encroachment and poaching affect the wider ecology and ultimately ourselves


Some of the new works by Julie ready to show in Irving, Texas, USA

Exhibition at the IRVING ARTS CENTER in Irving, Texas.
The IAC is an affiliate of the Smithsonian.
A portion of the proceeds will go to benefit the arts programs
at the center and also to support conservation through the
Dallas Ecological Foundation which works with youth to understand and enjoy nature.

The show opens August 16 and runs through September 14.

The artists will be in attendance the last weekend where they will give demo's
and lectures of their work.