Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the ScienceArt paintings by Julie Askew

Interaction, cause and effect in a contemporary design in the scienceArt by Julie Askew.

Highlighting the conservation issues of today by exploring natural links and how the modern day issues like global warming, human encroachment and poaching affect the wider ecology and ultimately ourselves

Lifeline Patron

Lifeline is proud to announce and welcome
Our Patron
Ian Redmond OBE
“I am a naturalist by birth, a biologist by training,
and a conservationist by necessity."
Ian Redmond is a tropical field biologist and conservationist, renowned for his work with great apes and elephants. For more than 35 years he has been associated with Mountain Gorillas, through research, filming, tourism and conservation work.  He has served as Ambassador for the UN Year of the Gorilla in 2009 and for the UNEP Convention on Migratory Species since 2010.

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